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— Libertarian Party National Platform Preamble

LPSD calls for Ravnsborg’s resignation

For Immediate Release: 

The Libertarian Party of South Dakota calls for the immediate resignation of Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg. South Dakota has lost all confidence that Ravnsborg will faithfully execute his duties as Attorney General due to the crimes he has committed in causing the death of Joseph Boever. 

In regards to the criminal charges determined by the Hyde County State’s Attorney’s Office, presented by Deputy State’s Attorney Emily Sovell, to excuse away the fact that both Sheriff Volek and Ravnsborg walked by the body of Boever claiming to not have see it, to claim that “there was a very, very thorough investigation for every step of the way” when no breathalyzer or blood draw was given the night of the accident, to say that “nothing was indicative of him [Jason Ravnsborg] being under the influence of alcohol or drugs” when Ravnsborg left his lane of traffic and killed Joseph Boever carrying a flashlight, to completely disregard the fact that Ravnsborg lied on his 911 call about seeing something in the “middle of the road,” to completely disregard the fact that the Hyde County Sheriff Mike Volek did not properly investigate what Ravnsborg hit and instead borrowed Ravnsborg his personal vehicle, clearly demonstrates that the Hyde’s County State Attorney’s Office, responsible for determining charges in this case, has severely neglected their duties and has done an extreme disservice to South Dakota. 

“The logical fallacies and misleading ‘facts of the case’ presented by Hyde County Deputy State’s Attorney Emily Sovell and Beadle County State’s Attorney Michael Moore are nothing short of absurd. It is clear that Ravnsborg is being protected from justice by the same legal system he is leading as Attorney General,” says Communication Director Devin Saxon, who questions the Hyde County State Attorney Office’s judgment in not filing more serious charges than misdemeanor. 

Treasurer Daryl Root calls for justice for the Boever family. “It’s a sad day in South Dakota. In my opinion, justice was not exercised. Anyone whose apparent negligence has killed a man should not be in charge of the legal system in our state. My condolences to the Boever family.”

West River Coordinator Collin Duprel senses a bias being presented between government officials and private citizens accused of the same crimes. “I can’t say for certain that Attorney General Ravnsburg is guilty. I can say for certain that any other private citizen would have faced trial for it. The lack of a trial, with combined known criminal negligence to me suggest corruption at our highest levels of state authority. The people are not being served by state officials who are above the law, especially when those same officials enforce it”

East River Coordinator CJ Abernathey finds it suspicious the lack of charges came after Ravnsborg refused to do his duty as Attorney General and appeal the Amendment A ruling to the Supreme Court. “The timing of Jason Ravnsburg stepping down from defending Constitutional Amendment A and IM26, and the timing of this decision are suspect at best given the amount of corruption that the Republican Party of South Dakota engages in. Was there a sweetheart deal for Jason? He does know where all the skeletons are in the Republican closet. These are things that could come to light with a trial.” 

South Dakota 2022 House Candidate Corgan Larson questions why people convicted of victimless crimes face more jail time than someone who’s actions caused the death of another, “Yet another example of the absolute incompetence of our state government. People who possess marijuana face worse penalties than any politician that commits murder in the state of South Dakota. The people of South Dakota deserve better governance, join us in the South Dakotan Libertarian Party today.”

South Dakota 2022 Governor Candidate Austin Eastman is sick of higher officials getting a slap on the wrist for serious crimes. “Any other citizen would be facing manslaughter charges. To walk away with only 3 misdemeanor charges just shows how corrupt our justice system is. The Libertarian party believes in an equal justice system. If elected, stuff like this would not slip through our hands! Let’s end the corruption.”

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