All of your freedoms... All of the time.

“Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime…”
— Libertarian Party National Platform Preamble

Special Membership Meeting to Select Delegates to the Libertarian National Convention

The Libertarian Party of South Dakota will be holding a special membership meeting scheduled for Sunday March 20th at 7pm Central/6pm Mountain time. This will be an virtual meeting using either a telephone or computer of your choosing.

The purpose of this membership meeting is to select delegates to the Libertarian National Convention that is scheduled May 26th through the 29th at the Nugget Casino Resort in Reno/Sparks Nevada. We have 5 delegate seats allocated to our State and will be selecting 4 delegates at the meeting. The current Chairman of the LPSD is awarded the 5th seat.

  • Notice – Delegates are responsible for their own travel expenses to and from the National Convention

For information on the National Convention and ticket prices as well as a group discount on rooms please visit

We will also be voting on a couple possible bylaw changes at the special membership meeting.

Remove references to Dues, as we eliminated them previously.

Article II Members
Section 3. Dues will be paid prior to the start of “Call to Order” of the annual LPSD State

Proposed change...

Section 3. Dues will be paid Credentialing of the delegates will take place prior to the start of “Call to Order” of the annual LPSD State Convention.

Article III Officers and Executive Committee
Section 1. Officers and Regional Coordinators. Members filling the positions of
Executive Committee Officers,and Regional Coordinators must be
current paid members of LPSD and reside in South Dakota.

Proposed change…

Section 1. Officers and Regional Coordinators. Members filling the positions of
Executive Committee Officers,and Regional Coordinators must be
current paid members of LPSD and reside in South Dakota. Regional Coordinators must live in their prospective Region.

Article III Officers and Executive Committee
Section 4. Regional Committees. Regional Committees may select an appropriate name and
shall submit a proposal (including bylaws) to the ExCom. A Regional Committee is recognized
by the party upon approval of the proposal by their Regional Coordinator and one (1) other
officer of the ExCom. Regional Committees must report to their Regional Coordinator. All
members must be paid members of LPSD.

Proposed Change..

Section 4. Regional Committees. Regional Committees may select an appropriate name and
shall submit a proposal (including bylaws) to the ExCom. A Regional Committee is recognized
by the party upon approval of the proposal by their Regional Coordinator and one (1) other
officer of the ExCom. Regional Committees must report to their Regional Coordinator. All
members of the Committees must be paid current members of LPSD.

Remove reference to At-Large members as we eliminated the positions previously.

Article III Officers and Executive Committee
Section 3. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee (“ExCom”) shall consist of six (6)
duly elected officers, plus three (3) duly elected Regional Coordinators, (plus three (3) duly
elected members at-large.)
Members elected to the ExCom must be members in good
standing of the LPSD. Each Officer and Regional Coordinator will be responsible for maintaining
documentation within their area, and they will provide a written report to be passed on to their

Proposed changes….

Section 3. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee (“ExCom”) shall consist of six (6)
duly elected officers, plus three (3) duly elected Regional Coordinators, (plus three (3) duly
elected members at-large.)
Members elected to the ExCom must be members in good
standing of the LPSD. Each Officer and Regional Coordinator will be responsible for maintaining
documentation within their area, and they will provide a written report to be passed on to their

Section 9. Term of Office. Terms of office for the ExCom officers, Regional Coordinators, and
(State At-Large members ) shall be the two (2) calendar years following their election to office,
unless 1) term is shortened/lengthened due to immediate commission by approval of ExCom at
convention, or 2) if fulfilling the remainder of predecessor’s term. A member may serve unlimited
consecutive terms of office.

Proposed changes…

Section 9. Term of Office. Terms of office for the ExCom officers, Regional Coordinators, and
(State At-Large members )
shall be the two (2) calendar years following their election to office,
unless 1) term is shortened/lengthened due to immediate commission by approval of ExCom at
convention, or 2) if fulfilling the remainder of predecessor’s term. A member may serve unlimited
consecutive terms of office.

Article VIII Miscellaneous
Section 5. Malfeasance Removal from Office of ExCom Officers, Regional Coordinators, or (At Large Members.)

Proposed changes…

Section 5. Malfeasance Removal from Office of ExCom Officers and Regional Coordinators, or (At Large Members.)

Here is the information to join the meeting March 20th @ 7pm:

You can join the meeting using a telephone or join with video if you download the app prior to the start of the meeting.

Connect With Us

Executive Committee

Tracey Quint
State Chair

Gideon Oakes

Ashley Castro

Nicholas Castro

Greg Baldwin
Communications Director

Uriah Luallin
West River Coordinator

Nicholas Machuca
East River Coordinator

Devin Saxon
Sioux River Coordinator