All of your freedoms... All of the time.

“Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime…”
— Libertarian Party National Platform Preamble

2022 Libertarian Party of South Dakota State Convention

We are pleased to officially announce our annual State Convention will be taking place April 23rd in Chamberlain at the Arrowwood Cedar Shore Resort & Conference Center. Once again Libertarians will meet in the middle of South Dakota to nominate candidates for the 2022 election cycle.

The Convention doors will open at 11:30am, credentialing starts at noon with the convention to start at 1pm Central. At the Convention this year we will give updates on the status of the State Party; vote on a few proposed bylaw changes, nominate and vote on candidates for public office as well as host a few guest speakers.

The proposed bylaw changes are as follows:
Article VIII Miscellaneous
Section 6. Local Affiliates. LPSD members may, within a given jurisdiction (legislative district,
county, municipality, precinct, or ward), organize a local affiliate, with at least three (3) LPSD
members. The affiliate may select an appropriate name and submit a proposal (including
bylaws) to the ExCom, and is recognized by the party upon approval of the proposal by the
ExCom. An affiliate continues to be recognized as long as it shall annually report in writing or
verbally to the ExCom or Annual State Convention. Jurisdictions with less than (3) LPSD
members may be recognized by the ExCom as provisional affiliate, upon application.

Add: The Excom of the LPSD may select an interim chair for a local affiliate for the
purpose of organizing that District/County.
Officer elections must be held within 1 year.

Article V Nominations and Elections
Section 6. National Libertarian Party Convention Delegates. At the Party Convention or at a
special membership meeting prior to the National Libertarian Party Convention. During
Presidential election years the National Delegates must be chosen at State Convention. The
members shall nominate delegates to serve as State co-delegates with the Chair or the Chair’s
designate. Nomination and election procedures shall be as for Party Officers and ExCom.
Vacant delegate positions may be filled by appointment.
Add: Delegates must be residents of SD and members of the LPSD.

#3 Article VIII Miscellaneous
Section 2. Annual Report. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial report for
distribution to the membership during the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall
also prepare required reports for the State of South Dakota, to be signed by the Chair.

Change from to be signed by” to ”with copies to the Chair”

#4 Article I Name and Purpose These by-laws shall govern the Libertarian Party of South Dakota, a political party organized
under the laws of South Dakota. Throughout these by-laws, the terms “party” and “LPSD”
may be used interchangeably, referring to the same entity. The purpose of the LPSD is to
promote libertarian solutions to contemporary problems through the political process.
Change from “The purpose of the LPSD is to promote Libertarian solutions to contemporary problems through the political process.” To “The purpose of the LPSD is to promote individual Freedom, Liberty, and Responsibility for all people through the political process.”

We will also be taking nominations for the following Offices during convention:

  • Governor
  • Lt Governor
  • US Senate
  • US House
  • Public Utilities Commissioner
  • Attorney General
  • Secretary of State
  • State Auditor
  • Commissioner on School and Public Lands
  • South Dakota Legislator (State House)
  • South Dakota Legislator (State Senate)

So if you are possibly interested in running for office this year it’s not too late! Please reach out to us. For more information on the required qualifications to run for office please visit

Guest speakers to include Lisa Marie Nolen the Deputy State Director of Americans for Prosperity South Dakota. Matthew Schweich Campaign Director of South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws and Ned Horsted Executive Director at Cannabis Industry Association of South Dakota

We will also be hosting a forum discussion on upcoming primary ballot measure Amendment C. With Lisa Marie Nolen speaking in favor of the Amendment and Matthew Schweich speaking against the Amendment.

Live Auction after the Convention. Items include Party memorabilia, framed FreedomFest autograph sheets from all your favorites from last summer and other donated items up for grabs!

Join us for food and drinks after the Convention at the Bridges Restaurant located at the venue just around the corner from the convention hall.

The Convention is free to attend. Must be a registered Libertarian in SD to run for office or vote on candidates and party business.

About the venue: Arrowwood Cedar Shore Resort & Conference Center rests along the Western banks of the Missouri River. You can get more information and book your stay at

Connect With Us

Executive Committee

Tracey Quint
State Chair

Gideon Oakes

Ashley Castro

Nicholas Castro

Greg Baldwin
Communications Director

Uriah Luallin
West River Coordinator

Nicholas Machuca
East River Coordinator

Devin Saxon
Sioux River Coordinator