The Libertarian Party of South Dakota will be hosting a Special Membership Meeting online on March 14th. The purpose of the meeting will be selecting our delegates to the Libertarian National Convention. All members of the LPSD are encouraged to attend and vote.
The Libertarian National Convention takes place the week of May 23rd to the 27th in Washington DC, more information about the convention is available at
The LPSD has 5 delegates allocated to us, so if you are interested in becoming a delegate please let us know via email or attend the meeting on March 14th. To qualify to be a delegate you must have residency in South Dakota and also be a registered Libertarian here.
This meeting will take place March 14th at 7pm Central/6pm Mountain using Google Meet. Link for the meeting below.
Before we can select our delegates we will need to amend our Bylaws, right now they state we should select delegates at our annual State Convention, however our State Convention this year is scheduled for June 29th in Pierre, well after the National Convention. Here are the two proposed changes that would allow us to select delegates early: (the line is through the proposed change)
Section 1. Annual Convention and Party Meeting. The annual meeting shall be
held at a date, time, and place determined by the ExCom with the provision that
the dates should normally be during the period between 1 April and 31 June.The annual state convention must be held at least 1 week prior to the national
Libertarian Party Convention.
Section 6. National Libertarian Party Convention Delegates. At the Party
Convention or at a special membership meeting prior to the National Libertarian
Party Convention. During Presidential election years the National Delegates The members shall nominate delegates to
must be chosen at State Convention.
serve as State co-delegates with the Chair or the Chair’s designate. Nomination
and election procedures shall be as for Party Officers and ExCom. Vacant
delegate positions may be filled by appointment. Delegates must be residents
of SD and members of the LPSD
Also we are pleased to announced that at the meeting we will have two candidates who both seeking the Libertarian Nomination for President speaking to our members. Those candidates are Chase Oliver and Lars Mapstead, who are both running for the Libertarian Presidential Nomination, that race will be decided at the National Convention in May.